
We are very sad to have to announce that the University of Roehampton and Bucks New University have jointly made the difficult decision to cancel Varsity 2020.

We understand this will be a source of great disappointment for you but neither university wishes to place students and staff at an increased risk of spreading COVID-19. Both universities are saddened that they’ve had to take such a difficult decision but the safety of students and staff, as we know you will understand, is paramount to our activities.

Due to the current uncertainty surrounding the virus we are not able to re-arrange the event, this includes playing individual fixtures at a different point in time without spectators. We therefore look forward to competing in the next Varsity fixture in 2021. We hope everyone takes care of themselves and others during the outbreak.

For those students that have bought tickets through the website you will automatically be refunded within 5 -7 working days. Those that paid at the front desk please come in to get your refund.

If anyone has any queries please contact Catherine.lymer@bucks.ac.uk or Daniel.lawrence@bucks.ac.uk