
Come and get your hands dirty making some Wild Flower Bombs.

Flower bombs, otherwise known as seed bombs, are little, compact orbs or packets of seeds, soil, and clay that are an emerging form of guerrilla gardening; a type of eco-activism and environmental improvement.

Flower bombs are eco-friendly tools made to help with reforestation, urban gardening, or just beautifying unused spaces. They have grown in popularity in recent years as they give activists a chance to restore natural elements to urban areas and revitalize underutilized locations.

A flower bomb is most effective when thrown or placed in an empty lot or a bleak section of a city. The soil and clay combination are ideal for seed germination since it helps maintain moisture. The bomb’s protective case deteriorates under the effects of rain, sunshine, or natural decomposition, releasing the seeds into the surrounding environment.

Over time, the seeds germinate and given the right conditions, grow into a colourful and verdant assortment of flowers, herbs, or other plants.

  • Urban environments become more beautiful: By turning unused or derelict spots into areas with plants and trees, the aesthetic quality of urban areas is improved. As newfound gardens flourish, both locals and tourists can rejoice in their beauty.
  • Biodiversity is encouraged: Through planting wildflower bombs, guerrilla gardeners help in attempts to preserve biodiversity and restore ecosystems by planting or restoring green spaces in urban areas. Miniature habitats for birds, insects, and other tiny creatures may be created in these areas, and they can also serve to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.
  • Community empowerment By planting seed bombs, local citizens or community groups reclaim ownership of abandoned areas and give them a new lease of life. Working together towards the same aim of improving their community draws people closer together, strengthens social relationships, and promotes teamwork. This kind of solidarity and pride is essential in the future as we work together to combat climate change.

This is a Green Initiative and can be used as part of the accreditation for your Club or Society.