Union Council is the highest form of representation at the Students’ Union and is our senior representative body. The Council meets on a monthly basis during term time and was formed to represent the voice of the students. The Council is a platform that informs students about the changes to policies within the Union, and the opportunity to vote on University-wide issues and directs our lobbying approach.
The Council is led by a student Chair, elected by the members of Union Council on an annual basis normally at the first meeting of the year. However, all students are welcome to speak at the Council to raise any relevant issues. if you are interested, consider nominating your self in the Union Council Chair election.
Our four elected officers provide a monthly update on what they have been doing to improve the student experience based off of your feedback and experiences. There will also be an update at each meeting from the chair of our Executive Committee which is made up of our eight executive officers to update on on progress within their areas and raise any issues brought forwards from the student groups they represent.
Union Council is open to all of our members to attend and participate in the meetings, but we particularly welcome students from the following groups to attend as these groups are currently underrepresented at this forum: BAME, LGBTQ+, International, Women, Postgraduate, Part Time, Commuting, Students with Disabilities and Mature students.
Free refreshments are provided at every meeting including Domino's pizza. So not only can you have a major input on the student experience BNU, but you can also grab yourself some free pizza in the process - what's not to love?
This academic years Union Council dates are as follows:
Thursday 17th October 2024 5-7pm
Thursday 14th November 2024 5-7pm
Thursday 5th Decmeber 2024 5-7pm
Thursday 16th January 2025 5-7pm
Thursday 20th February 2025 5-7pm
Thursday 10th April 2025 5-7pm
Thursday 8th May 2025 5-7pm
For more information about Union Council and how you can get involved, please speak to any member of the Sabbatical team or email surepresentation@bnu.ac.uk.
If you'd like find out about representing the student experience on a national level, then you should consider becoming the next NUS delegate.