BNU Community Welbing Fair - open to students and public
Students are invited to meet local community organisations and learn more about their local services between 11:30 -13:30.
The general public are invited between 14:00-16:00
These organisations will be in attendance:
- Autism Bucks Support
- Be Healthy - BMI checks
- Boots hearing & Opticians
- Brook Sexual Health
- Bucks County Council personal safety
- Bucks Helping hand
- Bucks Meditation
- Bucks Mind
- Easy Read
- Gamcare
- High Wycombe Shop Mobility
- HSBC Bank wellbeing service
- NHS social prescribing
- One Can Trust
- Wycombe Food hub
- One recovery Bucks
- Oxford NHS mental health service
- Pet Thearpy
- Positivity UK
- Pump it up - BLood pressure checks
- S.A.M - Sexual Abuse Support Service
- Solace
- Star Quality care - Blood sugar checks
- Thames Valley Police
- Y.E.S Youth Enquiry Service
For Further information, please email: