A fond farewell from Tamsin


Well, this year has gone so quickly I can’t quite believe that this will be my last President update. Throughout 2020 and 2021 it has been my absolute pleasure to be the President of Bucks Students' Union, although we have faced one of the most difficult times the education sector has had to face in a long time, this year has also been filled with incredible acts of kindness, unity, and passion. There have been so many highlights for me this year, from talking to Michel Donelan on my first day, bringing pronouns to Bucks, creating the Bucks Stands Together mural, implementing the Helpyourshelf initiative, running the More than Meets the Eye campaign, and bringing free and sustainable period products to Bucks as a part of #BloodyGoodBucks. To also work so closely with the University this year to ensure the students get the no detriment policy, a new complaint system in halls, rent rebates and other measures to support the students during this time.

Although running campaigns and lobbying the University is a key part of my role, and has been very prominent in my year, I couldn’t have done it without the amazing support of the student’s union team and University staff, but especially my fellow Sabbatical Officers. Tom and Tash have consistently inspired me throughout the year, guided me, and supported me to be the best I possibly can be, they never let me believe something wasn’t possible and any time I questioned my capability they were both there to contradict me. To be able to say that I am leaving this role with some incredible achievements and experiences under my belt, but also genuine friends is an absolute honour.

Speaking of Honor, i’s my pleasure to be leaving you in the very capable hands of Honor Fletcher, your 2021-22 President. Honor has spent so much of her time supporting the Students' Union, whether that’s through the Musical Theatre society or volunteering, she has always taken part with a positive attitude and a big smile on her face. I have no doubt that Honor, Tom, and Tash will be an incredible sabbatical team next year and I cannot wait to see all that they achieve together.

- Tamsin Grainger, Bucks Students' Union President 2020-21.

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