A look back on the past year


My year in the role of Vice President Education and Welfare (High Wycombe) is coming to an end very soon. Monday 3 July to be exact, and I’ll be heading in to my new role as you Students’ Union President 2023-24.

The start of the year was a massive learning curve, coming out of University and having little to no schedule and in to a 9-5 was a shock to the system. However, it was a shock well needed. I instantly got to work on the Cost of Living Campaign, whilst balancing the feelings of imposter syndrome.

Diving straight in to work and creating my Big Budget Busting Booklet and launching the Monthly Monday Meal campaign was a great step in ridding myself of that feeling. Working on both of these throughout the year led to working on a lot of support for our members during the cost-of-living crisis alongside the University. A real highlight was securing funding from the local Council to run Monthly Monday Meals across the year.

I also had the fantastic opportunity of hosting a range of events and sessions around mental health and wellbeing with Bucks Mind with the support of my fellow Sabbs every step of the way. It’s been wonderful working alongside the team on everything that we have done this year, from Freshers’ to Movember, FestiBall and our incredible awards nights - not to mention all the support I saw at this year's Varsity. 

It’s not all campaigns and events as I attended my fair share of meetings too. From Education Committee and Academic Integrity to monthly Union Council and hundreds more, all ensuring the student voice is heard and that we’re working to make life better for students at Bucks.

It’s been a great year, full of new experiences and meeting new people and students and I’ve enjoyed all of it. Not ready to say goodbye to you all just yet, I cannot wait to continue my work as I go in to my new role next year. The cost-of-living issues students face will still be on my radar, alongside sexual health and placements.

Can’t wait to see you next year!

- Brandon Tester, Vice President Education and Welfare (High Wycombe) 2022-23.


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