Bit more about Brandon

I started my time at BNU enrolled on a totally different course than the one I completed, I swapped over from a Sports Development course to an Education Studies course with a foundation year.

My first year at uni was such a blur from moving halfway across the country to High Wycombe all the way from Leeds (yes, I’m a northerner!) to then throwing myself into everything the Student’s Union had to offer. It started by getting involved in the Bucks Men’s Rugby Team, where I became the winning try-scorer at our annual Varsity against Roehampton, which not only won us the game but the whole of Varsity. I also became a student rep and accrued over 200 hours of volunteering through the rugby team, all in my first year.

As a fresher I was excited with the prospect of a new town and continuing my education. My first ever taste of fresher’s fortnight was meeting all the new people in my flat, who I’m still really good friends with now as graduation approaches. All those new people from different backgrounds and difference in opinions helped to create some really strong friendships.

In my second year at uni, after swapping courses, I put myself forwards to become a part of the Men’s Rugby committee as Welfare Liaison and was voted in. The massive changes in my course and the new responsibilities of being a committee member meant I started to build closer relationships with staff and those involved with the Students’ Union. I was still a student rep, and continued to be throughout all four of my years at University, but in my final year I ran to be a student trustee and began to learn the inner workings of the Students’ Union and gained a closer insight to all of the hard work that the team at the Students’ Union do to help make life better for students at Bucks.

This, alongside being a part of the leadership academy, President of Bucks Men’s Rugby, and winning Club of the year and Campaigner of the Year at the Athletic Union Dinner and Union Awards, opened up the idea of running for the role of Vice President of Education and Welfare. It felt like a natural next step and I’m well chuffed to have been voted in by the other members of the Students’ Union.

I’m really looking forward to the year ahead of us and can’t wait to meet you all! It’s a lot to take in when you first arrive at Uni but myself, and the other officers, are always here to help support you through it all.

- Brandon Tester, Vice President Education and Welfare 2022-23

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