Each year we celebrate Fairtrade fortnight, and although we can't physically be on campus with you for wine tastings and our annual Smile campaign with good old Rusty Buck, we know our choices can drive long-term change. Not only in the choices we make when we go shopping, but also in spreading the message and raisinf awareness of the benefits of Fairtrade.
What is Fairtrade?
Fairtrade is essentially the recognition given to products that have been certified by the Fairtrade Foundation as trading fairly. From the farmers who grow the things we love to the workers helping along the journey. Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, and fair terms of trade. It's a simple way to make a difference to the lives of the people who grow the things we love.
The Fairtrade Foundation tackles the injustices of conventional trade in the developing world, which traditionally discriminates against the most vulnerable. Fairtrade means that farmers and workers are able to improve their position and have more control over their lives.
When you shop Fairtrade, you can get farmers a better deal which means they can make their own "decisions, control their future and lead the dignified life everyone deserves."
We thought we'd share how the Fairtrade Foundation is promoting gender equality in sectors that have long been male dominated and empowering their women. Did you know that 19% of farmers and 40% of workers in Fairtrade are women?

What Fairtrade does
How can you get involved?
Throughout Fairtrade fortnight we hope to celebrate all things Fairtrade. You’ll learn what it's all about, why it’s important and even get to try some great Fairtrade food. That's right, even in lockdown we're still making sure you start your day off on the right foot. We'll be hosting a Fairtrade breakfast with free food on Friday 26 February at 11am just sign up and we'll get a breakfast box delivered to your door. You can then join us on Zoom with your cup of tea for a chat.
Fairtrade Foundation will also be hosting a range of great sessions which you'll be able to attend throughout the fortnight. You can find out more about their events, and sign up to any of them, via our what's on page.