General Election Hustings

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Choose your next Member of Parliament for Wycombe in two question time debates. Ask the candidates your questions and see who deserves your vote? The candidates will be debating bankers’ bonuses, food banks, Wycombe NHS services, HS2, tuition fees and 11+ selection, affordable housing, the Middle East Membership of the EU, global warming, cost of living crisis, immigration bedroom tax, cutting the deficit – less public spending or higher taxes?


Jem Bailey - Green Party
Steve Baker - Conservative Party
David Fitton - Independent
Steve Guy - Liberal Democrats
David Meacock - UKIP
David Williams - Labour Party

Tuesday 28 April 2015, Bucks New University, Gateway Lecture Theatre, High Wycombe, 7pm

Wednesday 29 April 2015,  All Saints Church, Town centre, High Wycombe, 7.30pm


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