Grants for Aylesbury students

Are you a resident of Aylesbury? If you are, you could be eligible to apply for a non-repayable grant from the Aylesbury based William Harding’s Charity. Grants to assist with the cost of further education can be up to £ 2,000 normally for a maximum of four years.

William Harding was a yeoman farmer who owned farmland and a house and an Inn within Aylesbury. He died in 1719 leaving his estate to provide clothes and education for families in Aylesbury. The endowment has grown over the years and now over three hundred years later the grants are more varied and considered for those living within Aylesbury.

If you need to purchase tools, books and equipment for your course you can be considered for a grant of up to £ 1,000. The Charity’s main aim is to support people at University, college and receiving training, by providing annual financial and maintenance grants. In addition, support can be given towards the cost of school trips and school uniforms. The relief of poverty is important to the Charity.

More information, forms and guidelines can be found on their website. Grants are also considered for amateur sport, economic and community development and training for employment.

The Trustees meet monthly to consider applications and the Clerk’s Office will contact you with the outcome. An application is not guaranteed to be successful and it is the decision of the Trustees whether they will pay a grant to you. All the grants are means tested and you will be required to submit all of the evidence listed on the application forms.

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