Green Ambassador

As Green Ambassador, you will be leading the sustainable agenda across the Union helping with the ideas, organisation and development of all projects. This includes recruiting students, promoting green events throughout the year and working alongside the Activities Coordinator. You may on occasion also be the figurehead in encouraging members of the University to partake in Green activities and being more sustainable overall.

Sustainability is something our members are very passionate about which is why each year, we elect a Green Ambassador. Your Green Ambassador for 2021-22, Sydney Owen, worked very closely with the Union and was behind this year’s campaign ‘Bin it to Win it’. "My main mission while being Green Ambassador this academic year was to help the University in becoming more sustainable and be more conscious of the environment when making all decisions. We have tried to make all the campaigns educational to raise the levels of awareness amongst the staff and student body. Being the Green Ambassador for the past 2 years has been a great experience and has had a definite impact, I am now looking to a future career that will involve sustainability."

Sydney helped run various green campaigns including, unblocktober about what should and shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet,  Give to Refresh asking students and staff to donate any unwanted untouched toiletries that would be given to One Can Trust. Lastly Bin it to Win it which didn’t just focus on recycling but how you can be more sustainable as a student on a budget and being more conscious of buying sustainable products in the first instance, leading to less being thrown away.

You will receive leadership training and be the student voice for environmental concerns, you will be invited to attend the Ethical and Environmental meetings held once a term. If you’re interested in this position please contact