Rules and Regulations

We know that this time of year can be a potentially stressful time due to exams and heightened anxiety surrounding that. We wanted to remind you of the University’s Rules and Regulations when it comes to all types of University assessments to provide reassurance as to what you can do to make sure that your assessments go through marking without a hitch.

As a Union we have set up the Rules and Regulations campaign to inform students in more detail about the four most common types of Academic Misconduct that the University sees; Plagiarism, Collusion, Cheating and Contract Cheating / Commissioning and to provide some top tips on ways of being integral with your work. It is so important to be integral in your work because it means that your achievement will be genuine and you will have truly earned your qualification and  
be prepared for life after University.



Plagiarism is the most common form of academic misconduct and involves presenting someone else’s work as your own which, usually means you have not cited/referenced or paraphrased correctly. It also includes taking another learner’s work with or without permission. Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional.

Tips to avoid plagarism

  • Do not reuse your own work (either in full or in part) for which you have already been awarded credit – whether at Buckinghamshire New University or another institution as this is self-plagiarism.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to complete assignments.
  • Learn how to reference: The University recommends using Cite Them Right.
  • Learn about the Uni’s Academic Integrity Policy.
  • Contact the Student Learning and Achievement Team on if you are struggling with Academic Writing.
  • Apply for Exceptional Circumstances (i.e. an extension request or mitigating circumstances) if you cannot complete your work in time.



Collusion is where you work with another learner together on the same assignment, but where you should be submitting individual pieces of work. Collusion can also take place where you provide a copy of your completed assignment to another learner for them to complete their assignment which they then submit as their own.

Tips to avoid colluding

  • Make sure you read the assessment brief carefully and if necessary check with your tutor whether you are able to work in a group if you are not clear.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to complete assignments.
  • Learn about the Uni’s Academic Integrity Policy.
  • Contact the Student Learning and Achievement Team on if you are struggling with Academic Writing.
  • Apply for Exceptional Circumstances (i.e. an extension request or mitigating circumstances) if you cannot complete your work in time.



Cheating normally refers to exam-related incidents such as taking unauthorised materials into the exam hall, or getting someone else to sit an exam for you. Cheating can also apply to a broader range of assessed activities, e.g. the falsification of data, evidence, or results used when completing research.

Tips to avoid cheating

  • Check in advance what materials you can bring in to an exam.
  • Make sure that you listen to and follow all instructions from invigilators.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to complete assignments.
  • Learn about the Uni’s Academic Integrity Policy.
  • Contact the Student Learning and Achievement Team on if you are struggling with Academic Writing.
  • Apply for Exceptional Circumstances (i.e. an extension request or mitigating circumstances) if you cannot complete your work in time.


Contract Cheating/Commissioning

Tips to avoid commissioning

Contract cheating or commissioning is the most serious form of academic misconduct and involves you getting someone else to do your work for you and submitting it as your own. It can involve the use of ‘essay mills’ where unscrupulous companies take money from learners to write assignments. In some cases they then ‘shop’ the learner to their University for academic misconduct.

  • Do not use essay writing services online whether paid for or not.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to complete assignments.
  • Learn about the Uni’s Academic Integrity Policy.
  • Contact the Student Learning and Achievement Team on if you are struggling with Academic Writing.
  • Apply for Exceptional Circumstances (i.e. an extension request or mitigating circumstances) if you cannot complete your work in time.


Our impartial Advice Centre are available to listen to, advise and support you by providing a professional, independent and confidential service, which is accessible and welcoming. You can contact them at and they will arrange an appointment for you speak to an adviser as soon as possible to suit you. 

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