
Kicking off Fairtrade Fortnight with another successful Smile campaign. Where we clocked in over 1,700 smiles from the public on a chilly Monday morning, raising awareness of the importance of Fairtrade produce and raising the morale around High Wycombe.

Then came the Fairtrade Breakfast, like the Smile campaign but entirely for Buckinghmashire New University students. We had over 40 of you stop by for your free Fairtrade breakfast options and hot drinks, providing Fairtrade fuel for the day ahead. Those that attended were fortunate to be greeted by Mike King, the chairman of the Wycombe for Fairtrade Steering Group. Mike is somewhat an encyclopaedia for Fairtrade and so those that came by had the opportunity to chat with Mike and enhance their knowledge around the subject.

Other successful events that took place include the Students' Union quiz night featuring a Fairtrade round, the Prosecco and Strawberries night, and the Wine and Cheese night, which saw Fairtrade wine, cheese, and fruit enjoyed by many.

Finally, a massive thank you to those students that were there nice and early for the Smile Campaign on Monday morning with positive attitudes, and to all of those that have attended any of the events mentioned above. Please continue to educate yourselves around the importance of Fairtrade and what you can do to make a difference.

- Charlie Hickey, Fairtrade Ambassador 2021-22

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