Students' Union | One Can Food Drop

At the Students' Union, we are proud to have collected non-perishable food items for One Can trust. These collections came from Students, SU staff and University staff.


At the Students' Union, we are proud to have collected non-perishable food items for One Can trust. These collections came from Students, Student Union staff, and University staff. Over the two weeks of us hosting the food drop, we were able to collect a large trolley worth of food, and so, we would like to thank everyone that brought donations in.

The Students' Union will still be accepting donations, so if you have any non-perishable food please bring it in to the Students' Union office.

Earlier today Sruthi, Vice President Education and Welfare (High Wycombe), went along to One Can Trust to drop off all of the food. We had a boot full of food and the staff at One Can Trust were very happy with everything that we brought to them. Donations are thoroughly appreciated during this time of year due to the extreme cold weather.

One of the staff members at One Can Trust said, "We are very grateful for these donations. Thank you for bringing them down, it all helps!"

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