Tom's Top Tips

The news that the government gave on Monday 4 January 2021, confirming that we were heading back into a state of lockdown for a third time, hit home and affected all of us. This news particularly hit me particulary hard compared to the first and second lockdowns for a countless reason. This Christmas I was unable to travel home. This year for the first time for 21 years I spent the holiday time away from the ones I love, but I know I am not the only one.  

Moving into a new year, is always seen as a great way to start a fresh, turn over a new leaf and set some ‘New Year’s resolutions. Like a lot of people, I’m sure, I'm awful at trying to keep these but they are a great way of setting yourself some realistic and achievable goals. Those goals give you something to strive for, they help create a purpose for each day and give you a reason to get up. These resolutions don’t have to just be for the new year. As the announcement came out about the third lockdown, I took the opportunity to set myself some goals that I am going to work hard on to achieve. I have found this to be incredibly helpful on improving my mind set.  

Another way that I have been able to try and turn over a new leaf in the new year is by getting outside a lot more. In a time where so much of what we can do is restricted, I've found that getting out for a run or walk is a great way to take a break from being inside, have control over something and clear my mind. Putting some headphones in and taking a wonder around Hughenden park has been both useful and valuable. Obviously, this is done whilst respecting the lockdown and social distancing measures.  

As always, staying in contact with family and friends is something I have found to be unbelievably helpful throughout some stressful and unprecedented times. That might seem simple and easy, but I can’t beging to stress enough how useful this has been for me. Whether it has been jumping on Warzone with some mates from home or having a quick phone call with my Gran or Mum, it really helps take your mind away from any struggles that the day has brought.  

Obviously, these are just some ways that I have found myself getting through the tough times recently. Everyone has different ways that help them so make sure you give them each a chance and if they don't work, try and find something that works for you.

Remember you are not alone through these times. It’s ok not to be ok.


-Tom Featherston, VPSI.

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