Travelling by train, bus or taxi is generally very safe but violent and aggressive incidents do happen, so it makes sense to take a few simple precautions to improve your safety and increase your confidence.

Trust your instincts – If you are at all worried, ask the driver to stop in a busy area and get out of the car.

If the driver refuses to stop, use a mobile (if you have one) to call the police and alert other drivers and pedestrians by waving or calling out the window.


Cycling Safety

Keep your bike in good working order. Repairs are best done at home rather than on the road.

Always look like you know where you are going.

Look competent and dress to be seen and to be safe. Remember to wear a safety helmet.

Obey the rules of the road and make sure you are aware of your surroundings.

Avoid short-cuts even if you are in a hurry. Never cycle anywhere you would not be comfortable walking.

Don’t be afraid to pedal hard out of or around potential trouble.

Don’t let your bike get stolen. Make sure you buy a secure chain and padlock for it.


Using Taxis

Always use a taxi or licensed minicab.

Always carry the telephone number of a trusted, licensed company with you or make sure you have a suitable booking app on your phone. The Student's Union have trusted companies who are student friendly. You can pick up their number from the SU office.

When booking a taxi, ask for the driver’s name, as well as the make and colour of the car. Confirm the driver’s details when they arrive – is it the taxi you ordered?

Sharing a taxi with a friend and sitting in the back of the car are good safety strategies.

If you chat to the driver, be careful not to give out any personal details.


On Public Transport

Know where you are going and which stop you need.  Check departure times, especially of last buses or trains.

Try and have your ticket, pass or change ready in your hand so your purse or wallet is out of sight.

If travelling at night or in an unfamiliar area, try and arrange for someone to meet you at the bus stop or train station.  Otherwise try to walk near other people with whom you feel safe, and walk purposefully to your destination.

Wait for a bus or train in a well-lit place near other people whenever possible.

Carry extra money in case you get stranded and need to take another bus, train or cab.

On trains avoid compartments which have no access to corridors or other parts of the train.  Try to sit with other people and avoid empty carriages.

If you feel uneasy, move to another seat or carriage.

If you feel threatened, make as much noise as possible to attract the attention of the driver or guard.