
Bucks Students' Union if committed to making life better for students at Bucks. We have eight part time officers who are the voices of our underrepresented groups, this session wil go through the roles and responsibilities of the eight positions and is a must for anyone thinking about running in the elections.


BME Students' Officer

Disabilities Students' Officer

International Students' Officer

LGBT+ Students' Officer

Mature Students' Officer

Postgraduate Students' Officer

Part Time Students' Officer

Womens Students' Officer


So you want to be a part time officer!

Tuesday 31 Jan 15:00-16:30

N2.05 HW campus


If you would like to know more about this session please contact SUrepresentation@bucks.ac.uk



Check out the What's on page for more on these other sessions you may be interested in...

So you want to be President, 19 Jan

So you want to be a Student Trustee, 26 Jan

So you want to be a Part Time Officeer, 31 Jan

So you want to be VPEW, 2 Feb

So you want to be VPSI, 7 Feb

So you want to be an NUS Delegate, 9 Feb

So you want to run the Students' Union, 13 Feb (General Session for anyone who missed their specific session)