
It's that time of year Rugby fans, and we're open for the entire thing. That's right, from 12pm, every Saturday and Sunday of the Six Nations tournament, we will be opening our doors, our bars and our kitchens, so pull up a chair, check out our monsterous food and drinks deals, and enjoy one of the year's greatest sporting events.


SATURDAY 11TH FEB from 12pm

ITALY v IRELAND - k.o. 14:25

WALES v ENGLAND - k.o. 16:50


SUNDAY 12TH FEB from 12pm

FRANCE v SCOTLAND - k.o. 15:00


**PIZZA and PINT - £5**

**PIZZA and a PITCHER - £10**


FREE for Bucks Students and Public


Yellow Pint drinks deal

Pitchers of Selected Draught - £7.50

Bottle of Wine - £7.50

Rekorderlig - £3

Pint of Juice - £1

