Ho Ho Holidays


As the winter holiday approaches, we know it can be a lonely and difficult time for some of us, especially if we're not returning home for the holidays. Your Bucks Students' Union President, Honor Fletcher, has been working with the rest of the Union team and your executive officers to put some plans in place for you over the break. Have a little peak at what Honor's been working on...

If you're anything like me, you'll already be thinking about the upcoming holidays and where you'll be spending them. If you're planning on staying in your student accommodation for them, whether that's privately or in halls, we'd love to know and see how we can support you. For those of you who won't be heading home for the holidays, we've got some Holiday Hampers set up for you filled with treats. We'd like to say a big thank you to the Buckinghamshire Council Helping hands scheme and The Clare Foundation for their support on this project. If you'd like to put your name down for one, you can sign up for free on our hamper page. You'll be able to collect them from Friday 17 December all the way through till Thursday 23 December

As Friday 17 December is the last day of term, The Lounge will be hosting a roast dinner. There'll be music, great food, a fun quiz and an old favourite- Rock and Roll bingo. The best bit? The event, including the food, is free for BNU students. You do need to reserve your place which you can do via our what's on page and even better you can bring along friends and family. They will need to pay for their meal but everyone is welcome.

I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, but that doesn't make the holidays any easier if you're away from family or on your own. We're hoping to host a meal on Boxing Day, Sunday 26 December, where any of our members are welcome to join in for a lunch with other students and a friendly atmosphere. You'll need to book a space but as always, it's totally free for BNU students. 

One of the lovliest things about this time of year is that it really is the season for giving and Tom, your Vice President Student Involvement, is running some great volunteering opportunities over the next few weeks so make sure you keep your eyes peeled and see how you can get stuck in.

Don't forget the Students' Union is here to support you and you can reach out to them at anytime on union@bucks.ac.uk.

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