What are Student Reps?
Student Reps are the leading voice for their class and peers within the university and are financially rewarded up to £100 upon completion of all representation work throughout the year. They have the ability to initiate change, minimise miscommunication between staff and students, and improve their course for future years.
Student Reps are vital in collecting essential feedback that can then be utilised by the Students’ Union as well as the university to help make life better for students at BNU. They are a central aspect of student representation and as part of their role, work closely with the Students’ Union team to create a worthwhile educational experience for all.
It is essential that your course has a Student Rep to ensure yours and your peers’ views are being heard, and that any necessary changes are being made quickly and effectively.
Student Reps collate feedback from their course peers and take this information to a Programme Committee Meeting twice a year with the staff members of their department. The points are raised, discussed, and action points taken forward if change needs to be implemented.
Student Reps then distribute this information back to their peers and complete an online feedback form to update the Students’ Union on how the meeting went and whether further action needs to be taken or if any extra support is needed.
There's also a whole host of other exciting opportunities and responsibilities involved with being a Student Rep and if you'd like to find out more, please email surepresentation@bnu.ac.uk
Make sure you're logged in using your BlackBoard details to begin your nomination.